Eternity With The Shadow King (Captive 0f Shadows Book 5) Page 5
Briar shakes her head, her nose wrinkling. "I thought Lilith was bad. I can't even imagine how horrible this woman must have been."
I turn toward her, and she looks at me curiously. Taking her face in my hands, I shake my head. "On the contrary, she was quite the opposite. Lux was the kindest soul in all the underworld."
Briar gasps, her mouth falling open just slightly. I watch as she nervously runs her tongue over her lips, and I fight the urge to lean forward and kiss them. Her eyes shift down, and I can see she's thinking deep and hard. When she looks back up at me, she shakes her head. "I never knew that Lux chose Drogaem. I've seen her and him in my visions. I know there was love at one point, maybe even always, but I thought that…"
"She was forced?" I asked. "No."
"And Drogaem was already known to be a cruel man?" She asks.
I smile at her. "What are the stories you heard of me before you came here?"
Her eyes shift away from mine, and she turns back toward the window. "That you were cruel. That you cared nothing for others. And that you would kill me one day. But even with all of those things, I can't even imagine you being as evil as Drogaem is. The only thing that kept me searching for you when Drogaem had taken over your body was the fact that I knew deep down, even before I knew about Drogaem, you were not a bad man. That something had happened. If I didn't know that, I don't think I'd have ever been able to…"
Her voice trails off, and I can tell that her mind has gone somewhere else. I know it's hard for her to hear these things, to understand them even, given she doesn't even recognize her own powers fully, but they are vital if she is to take control. No matter how much I tell myself I'm doing this for the betterment and the best of my kingdom, I know that I'm doing it to help her survive as well. Everything changed the day she walked into my life, and I want her to continue to be there when this is done.
Chapter 9
Kane enlightens me with his stories of Lux, but even more so, he shows me that love is possible no matter what. That even the foulest of men can be loved by someone. I want to tell Kane that I love him. I think it's essential that he understand the depths that I will go to keep us together. But over the last several days, I have seen him pull away from me. He doesn't fool me though, I know it's not because he doesn't care for me. He's trying to protect me from Drogaem. He's trying to keep my mind straight and on task, as well as his own.
Thinking back to the way things were before we went on our journey, Kane and I were constantly distracted by each other. Whether it be through our connected emotions or the heat and lust between us, whenever we were together, our minds were not on task. Even now, standing in the same room as him, I'm pulled toward him. I want to wrap my arms around him. I want to press my lips to his. It seems that wherever I turn, we are treading on forbidden ground, and it only makes my lust for him more robust.
Visions of our moments in the garden bombard my thoughts. I can feel the heat between us as my legs wrap around him, lips pressed together, souls intertwining. It sends waves of excitement over me, making my knees weak and my thighs shake. I have to push those thoughts back. However, being here with him, watching him prepare for our training, I feel it almost necessary to have a moment for us. To have that one moment where I can show him where my heart is. I can tell, though, that Kane doesn't feel the same way. I know he's ridden with guilt, having never meant to pull me into a life like this. His reasons have always come out as stark and cold, but I know he's a good man at heart. I know he cares immensely for, not just me, but for his kingdom as well.
With the little bit of time we have together, I desperately want to spend it wrapped in his arms. This is the perfect moment, but he insists on trying to train me to use my magic. I won't lie, I'm feeling a bit frustrated. I want some reprieve. I want to do nothing, even if it's just for a moment. To forget the horrible situation we are in, and just absorb each other. But it's nearly impossible, and not just because of Kane's determination. Each and every time I consider telling Kane, breaking through my fears, I feel the impact of Drogaem's hand across my face, and it nearly cripples me.
Kane's voice rings out, and I shake my head. "Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about something. Kane…"
He interrupts me before I can continue. "I know you've got a lot on your mind but we have to train. I need you to focus. We’re going to start really small. I want you to create an orb of light in your hand."
I sigh, shaking out my hands. I'm trying to have just a moment so I can tell him how I feel, but he seems so determined. I know it's probably just my insecurities talking, but right now, he's treating me like I'm a tool to be used. He's looking at me as if I'm his way out of everything, not his partner. My emotions are getting to me, and it's making it really difficult to even try to use my magic. One thing I do know about my powers is that they're affected by my emotions. I can't just turn them on and off like he can. I know the beings of the underworld look at that as a negative, something that makes humans weak, but I don't think so. I believe that our emotions and our and ability to feel is often what pushes us to be great. It's what motivates us to keep going when things are hard.
I know for a fact that my emotions for Kane, and my feelings for not just humans but the souls of the underworld, are the majority of why I'm still here. Why I'm still trying to save everyone. But he doesn't get it. I close my eyes anyway and try the best I can to focus on my energy. I can feel it circulating inside of me, and every time a thought pops into my mind, I push it aside.
The heat begins to rise in my chest, and I feel it trickle through my veins. I focus it, pushing it toward my palm. As it races to my hands, I open my eyes, watching sparks begin to shimmer around my fingers. There's a whisper of a thrill that chases behind the energy. Watching myself make my powers do what I want them to do is thrilling, and I can understand now why people with magic tend to get carried away. I also appreciate that those with dark souls end up doing horrific things with their powers. It could be very easy to do so.
The thought of this strikes fear in my heart, and the sparks begin to recede. My fear drowns my hope, it does it every time. If I'm capable of great things, and the laws of the universe are as I think they are, that means I'm also capable of terrible things. I didn't realize that until right this second.
When the last bit of light flickers in my hand, I drop my arms in frustration. I can see that Kane is trying not to reprimand me. It's in his nature to command people, and I know it's also in his nature to scold. But he doesn't, he gathers himself and finally takes a deep breath, putting his hand out to mine. "Tell me what you're thinking. Whatever it is, it's holding you back."
I shake my head as he pulls me closer to him. The energy that runs between our fingers soothes me, and my heart beats a bit slower. "I'm just thinking about life. About emotions, about good versus evil, and about my capabilities."
His brow lowers, and he tilts his head to the side. "We told you a multitude of times that you are capable of powers exceeding even Drogaem's."
I give him a slight smile and shake my head, dropping my hand from his. "I wasn't thinking about what powers I'm capable of having, I was thinking about what I was capable of with my powers at full force. What anyone, good or bad, could do with these." I let out a deep sigh and tilted my head back, walking across the room to the window. "It's stupid. Very human of me, I know. I just want to make sure that we make the right choices because otherwise, so many people will die. Souls will be lost forever."
Kane walks up behind me and puts his hands on my shoulders, pressing his fingers into my tense muscles. I close my eyes and feel the tendrils of energy that flow between us. He leans his forehead against the back of my head. "If you're worried about hurting people, I can promise you that it won't happen by accident. But if you're worried about purposefully doing the wrong thing, I can tell you that will never happen. It's not because you have to be, or because everyone thinks you're good, it's because you
truly are. Your innocence has been one of the most vibrant things in this castle in centuries. You try to do what's right every time."
His words comfort me, but only for a moment. I think back to when I first arrived here. I didn't have good intentions when I came. My focus was on killing Kane. My attention was bound to carrying out my father's bidding, not knowing the deception that was playing all around me. But I don’t want to tell Kane, not before I tell him how I feel about him. I don't want him to think that any part of that is still alive inside of me. If anything, it's the opposite.
No matter what Kane believes is right in this situation, I will keep my emotions on the surface. I will remember what I'm fighting for because he's a massive part of it. I turn and stare into his dark eyes, reaching up and running my fingers over his cheek. His lip quivers, and my eyes gaze along his pouty frown. The air catches in my throat, and I lift up on my toes, slowly leaning forward toward him. I know there's a good chance he'll pull away, but I so desperately want to touch his lips with mine.
As I grow closer, I can feel his heated and quickening breath against my skin. I stop for just a moment and hover, the edge of my lips barely touching his. Before I can lean further forward, Drogaem's voice echoes loudly through the castle. I gasp and put my hand to my chest, immediately pulling away. I can feel his summons.
Just another thing to add to the list for the day I drive my dagger into his heart.
Chapter 10
In my entire existence, I can't remember a temptation that I haven't been able to walk away from if I genuinely wanted to.
I have never been so drawn to one person in my life. Briar catches me off guard, her beauty, and my attraction to her almost drowning me. Her lips hover so close that I can feel the wetness of them slide across mine. I have no protection from her at this moment. I cannot pull away, no matter how much I want to, or how much I think I need to. I never want to pull away from her.
In my mind, I'm screaming at myself. If I kiss her, I'm not sure I'll be able to stop. I'm at a point where I am not even sure I can stop now. In fact, I'm releasing that hold I have over myself. Her fingers press harder against my face as her lips part. I brace myself, knowing that I have to have some sort of restraint as she still is human after all. But before I can taste the sweetness of her lips, Drogaem's voice echoes loudly.
Briar gasps and stumbles backward, gripping her chest. I can see it in her eyes. Drogaem is summoning her, right along with me. "Is he pulling you?"
Her eyes shift downward, and she scrunches her brow. "No. In fact, he's pushing me. I think he's just trying to find you. He doesn't want me to come. He's been keeping me here in this room as much as he possibly can."
I grab her wrist and pull her back toward me, her worried eyes melting into a wanting stare. My head dives down, and I press my lips to her neck, feeling the pull of my fangs as I taste the salty trail of her skin. It takes everything in me not to bite her, not to give her that extra push of passion that my venom is capable of. I am confident that there is no being in all the realms that could keep me from taking her.
"Kane!" Drogaem bellows again.
This time, Briar's knees buckle, and I catch her before she can hit the ground. She gasps for air and claws at her chest. "He's using me. He's using me to get to you."
I pick her up and lay her on the bed, kissing her forehead. When I stand up, my eyes narrow, and I growl loudly, letting it echo. Our time is over, and my torture with Drogaem is about to begin. I want to rip his throat out, but in reality, I know I'm not strong enough yet to fight him. It would be a mistake. Nonetheless, breaking the connection with Briar enrages me.
I stomp toward the door and turn back, looking at her on the bed. Whatever Drogaem is doing to her has eased. I give her a nod. "I'll be okay. Rest. I'll see you soon."
Or at least I hope that I will.
* * *
My disconnect from Kane is almost as painful as whatever it was that Drogaem was doing to me to get his attention.
It felt as if he were reaching in my chest and twisting my heart. Things were getting out of hand, and it made me angry to watch my beloved walk away. I turn over on my back and rest my hands on my stomach, staring up at the ceiling. I try not to think about anything, to allow myself as much silence as I possibly can get. It has become easy to revel in the silence of the castle since there isn't really anyone left.
But the silence I'm looking for, it's centered within myself. Maybe if I try to connect to my powers instead of trying to summon them, they will come more freely and easily to me. When I use them, I feel like there is some kind of push and pull relationship. It's as if my emotions are battling against the light when they should be working with it.
For what seems like hours, I lay there, keeping my focus on the churning energy within me. I imagine myself aligning with the power, dropping my shields and armor, my layered emotional walls, and letting it sink further into me. As I do, I can hear the songs that my sisters used to sing when we were younger. I can hear their hums and their whistles, their laughter, and their teasing. The chorus of the songs play through my mind as I dance with my powers.
I can feel a connection beginning to knit, a closer relationship than just knowing it's there but fighting against it. The energy within me feels as if it's beginning to build stronger and stronger, and the heat is almost searing. This time though, unlike outside of Drogaem's tomb, there is no pain. I'm not tortured by the light as I was then. It's hard for me to release as my fears keep me clinging to a sense of control when, in reality, there really isn't any at all.
Opening my eyes, I watch as orbs of light rise from my skin and begin to dance across the ceiling above me. They look like fireflies, fairies dancing in the fields. They move in a circular cyclonic motion, filtering into one fixed position right above my chest. As each orb releases from my body and connects to the next, the light grows brighter and brighter. I begin to think that I can possibly control it, work with it. I raise my hands, but before I can do anything else, the sounds of Kane's screams echo through my room.
The air collapses from my lungs, and all the orbs drop right back down into me, circling to the pit of my stomach and into their secret hiding place that I'm not even sure I can find. Kane lasted a long time in silence, and I'm proud of him for that. Pushing my hands into the bed, I sit up and lean back against the headboard. I know that there isn’t going to be another time that day that I can try that again. I know that Kane would have been so very proud of me.
My body feels exhausted, but with the chorus of screams, I will get no rest. Instead, I think about Lux and the story that Kane told me about her. She chose Drogaem. Not only that, I can tell that she loved him. But even through that love, she saw what he truly was, and she attempted to kill him. I can't even imagine the kind of pain that made her feel as she plunged the dagger deep into his heart.
I think about the relationship of my own with Kane, trying to drown out the sounds of his agony as best I can. When they finally come to a stop, I know that Drogaem has grown bored with him. I no longer feel the pressure from Drogaem to stay in my chambers, so I pull myself from my bed and tie my cloak around my shoulders. It's time to help Kane, to get him back to the room and mend him.
With my thoughts somewhere else, I open the door and step out, pulling it shut behind me. I'm so deep in thought that I don't even notice the hand coming toward me. It grasps me by the shoulder and presses me against the wall. I try to pull my hands up in defense, but the guard uses his other hand to pin me. He pulls off his helmet, and my teeth clench. "Gregore! Let me go. I need to get to Kane. I know that loyalty means nothing to you, you made that very clear when you abandoned your friend. When you watched Kane fall, but I will not do that to him."
The General was once a friend of Kane's, but at first sight of Drogaem, when he rose, Gregore pledged his loyalty and fealty to the Dark King. His lip quivers, and he snarls at me. "I've been
sent to tell you to stay away from Kane. Drogaem is not allowing you to see him."
My face scrunches, and I push him, forcing him to release me. I shake my head and try to walk past him, but he pushes me back against the wall. "If Drogaem has orders, he can tell me himself."
Gregore pushes his hand harder against my chest. "That's probably not in your best interest. You're not going to be able to stop Drogaem. He's stronger than he was before, and before, he was nearly unstoppable."
"Nearly," I growled. "But you don't know what I'm capable of."
Gregore smirks. "You need to come to the realization that it doesn't matter that you have the blood of a God in your veins. That blood has been muddied by generations of filthy mortals just like you, your sisters, and your pathetic excuse of a father who sold you to the underworld. For now, you may roam the Castle, but do not look for Kane because if Drogaem catches you, you'll be nothing more than the shell of a pathetic human."
He releases me, and I snarl, pulling myself quickly away from him and backing into the room. I turn my hands over and look down at my palms, feeling the sparks of energy within me. I know that I have power, but never did I think it had anything to do with the gods. Has Kane known about this the whole time? Is this what makes me so important?
I'm just a mortal human…right?
Chapter 11
I pace.
My hands wring nervously in front of me.
My powers stay hidden from the anxiety raging through me.
I pace.
It's been days since I've seen Kane, and Drogaem refuses to even allow me into the throne room. The only reason I know he’s still alive, is from the screams I've been hearing. There've been times where I've fallen into a ball on the floor and cupped my hands over my ears, just trying to drown it out. His painful bellows hit me like arrows in the chest, and I can't do anything about it. Despite the general's warning, I search the castle every night for him, but Drogaem has him hidden. I'm beginning to question how long Kane can survive without me helping to heal his wounds before more are inflicted.